Various Psychological Effects That Reading Gives To People

Have you read recently?
The book is basically just an enumeration of letters.
However, the human mind makes the list of characters meaningful.
That's reading.
It summarizes various influences that reading gives to people.

When you become an adult, opportunities to read less novels decrease.
People who do not read books recently want you to read again this article.

Reading is a psychological activity that is done by reading the symbol of letters

The book is basically just an enumeration of letters.
However, the human mind makes the list of characters meaningful.
As a result, how does reading influence people's psychology?
The series of letters that are symbols are converted into meaningful human minds with advanced functions, and they create their own world in them.
Psychological activity done using a book is a reading.
What is the influence of human psychology as a result of doing reading?
What is the book that is left in your mind?
What impact did the book have on you?

Stress can be resolved by reading

Reading books is effective in resolving stress.
A survey by a university verified the relationship between reading and stress.
In reading stress, music, coffee, video games, walking and other stress relief methods, reading is the most effective for relieving stress.
From the heart rate etc. I examined the stress relieving effect of reading, music viewing, coffee, video game and walking.
Reading was 68% stress relieving effect.
Music listening had 61% of stress relieving effect.
Coffee time was 54% stress relieving effect.
Walking had a stress relieving effect of 42%.
The video game had a stress relieving effect of 21%.
From a long time ago, reading was proved to be most effective in methods that are often done as stress relief.
Moreover, when reading in a quiet place, we know that it reduces more than 60% of stress in just 6 minutes.

Personality and behavior resemble characters that appear when they are caught in reading

According to a research by a university, people seem to resemble their characters in books by engaging in reading.
Although it may empathize with characters in the book, it seems that it actually affects my behavior and ideas as well.
When people are caught in reading, they emotion into the characters appearing in the story they are reading, their character and behavior resemble the characters.
It turned out that the content of the story that you read has a big influence on your own actions and ideas.

Reading fiction increases empathic ability

People can understand emotions and ways of thinking of fictional persons when reading books.
One university study found that those who read fiction have a high empathic ability and can accept different opinions from themselves.
This seems that people with high empathic ability do not like reading, but reading has become more empathic.
When a person reads a book, he / she unwittingly acquires emotions, ways of thinking, beliefs, responses when conducting a conversation, etc. of a fictitious person appearing in the book.
One university study knows that people who often read books have a high empathic ability and can accept opinions and beliefs different from their own.
Since this is a person with high empathic ability from the beginning, I do not like reading books, it is thought that reading improves empathic ability.

When you read pure literature you will be able to read the feelings of others

People can read their feelings by reading literary works.
This result proved by experiments of a psychologist at a university.
Reading literary works improves the ability to identify partner's thoughts and emotions from eyes and facial expressions.
A psychologist at a university conducted an experiment to read volunteers 'subjects from the expression of actors' eyes.
In this study, we classified books into three genres: literary works, popular novels and nonfiction.
After reading them, a test was conducted to identify the feelings of the opponent by looking at the eyes of others and photographs of facial expressions.
As a result, the effect readily appeared to the person who read the literary work, the ability to specify the thought and emotion of others from the visual element and the linguistic element was improved.
A reading of only 10 minutes got the effect, statistically a chance that the possibility of coincidence was low.

Self-enlightenment books are more effective than drugs for depression

A college researcher compared the group who is depressed for patients with depression with the group that reads self-development books dealing with depression.
Four months later, as a result of comparing the symptoms of the patients, those who read the self-development book had better condition than those who received antidepressant treatment.
From this result it turned out that self-enlightenment book really helped the reader.
More than 200 patients diagnosed as depressed by doctors participated in the experiment.
Half of them received treatment for antidepressants, and half read self-development books dealing with depression such as sleeping disorder.
The experiment was conducted for 4 months, and those who finally read the self-development book had better symptoms than those who received antidepressant treatment.
Also, as a result of survey by another university, serious depression patients were found to be more effective in self - development books etc.

Reading makes your heart rich and you can gain knowledge

Reading has various influences on people.
It is good to focus on occasionally the world of books.
Reading is not only a mind enriching, it is also a great way to learn words and expressions.
In summer, there are many opportunities to go out, but please enjoy reading the book slowly and enjoy the world of the book!
Let's start by searching for books of your favorite genres at a bookstore in the neighborhood first!

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