People Who Just Negate Are Pretty Disliked!

There are lots of people who immediately deny their opponents.
What is necessary to prevent the other party from feeling disgusting?

Those who deny their opponents immediately

While talking, some people speak only denial words all the time.
No matter what conversation you are talking about, it's different and there are many people who deny that this is the basis of conversation.
People who start talking from negative words and who frequently use words that deny their opponents accept the story of their opponent and do not feel bad if they do not self assert.
Such a person thinks that he is the most correct and forget compassion for his partner.
As a result, this person does not impose a sense of values ​​or denies the way people think.
People who deny what people like is angry that they can deny their favorite things.
My mother immediately denies what I say.
That's impossible!
It can not be successful!
People who say this is probably because the environment grew up bad.

By denying it makes me feel bad

No one will feel better after being denied.
Even with casual words, the other party is hurt.
Discussing each opinion and discussing it will be a fun chat but if you just negate you will not be able to enjoy chatting comfortably.
No matter what you say, if you answer negatively, people who are denied feel unpleasant.
If it ends with denial of opinion, it may develop into trouble.
I do not want to talk with people who deny all opinions that do not fit my opinion.
I do not want to be a person who just negates.
I hate people who only negate.
When I am with a person who just negates, I lose confidence and become a weak person.
I want to give a gentle word to my opponent.

Let's think about the other's feelings before denying

It is very important to think what the other party thinks.
It is very important to think about people's feelings before commenting on the partner.
Considering what your opponent thinks before denying, you can talk to the other party that makes you disgusting.
Before denying the other party, think about why the other party talked about it and think about how the other party got into that idea.
There must be a reason there.
However, it is difficult to think of the other's feelings.
If you really feel like your opponent and think about things, it will not hurt your opponent.

Impression changes by just changing a word a little

It is not a bad thing to deny the other party.
It is important to tell the other party.
It is not a bad thing to deny, but a way of making people feel bad is bad.
The effective way is to replace denial with favorable words and praise the other before denying.
Adding a word to affirm before denying has the effect of making denial a soft impression.
It is not necessary to deny just to hurt your opponent.
Because you respect your opponent, deny your opponent.
Denial is established because there is love.

The important thing is to accept your opponent

Accept the idea of ​​the opponent, and tell your thoughts to your opponent.
This is the basis of communication.
First of all, accept and understand others' opinions.
And it is polite to self assert.
When you want to say negative words, patience to find a good part of your opponent.
It is important to embrace your opponent from the beginning.
Rather than asking the other party to change, it may be easier for me to accept an opponent, or to change myself.
I want to be a human being who can accept the other party by acknowledging my bad part.
If you fail with denying the opponent, you will be able to make effective use of that failure later.

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