Let's Practice Brain Science Stress Relief Method When Feeling Stress

When you feel stressed, what kind of solution is practiced?
I will introduce efficient stress relief method proved in brain science.

How are you dealing with daily stress?

Let's deal with stress with a scientifically proven stress relief method.
In a word, the stress relieving method can vary from what has been demonstrated scientifically to what the effect is unknown.
What is a way to relieve stress in brain science?
It scientifically interprets the human mind and scientifically raises human stress tolerance.

What is stress in the first place?

Stress is a thing that is nervous to humans, a reaction such as an increase in heart rate that occurs in that situation, an increase in blood pressure, a decrease in appetite.
For stress caused by a stressor, the adaptation of the brain and body is called a stress response.
Stress seems to be bad, but stress is not necessarily bad.
Recently, there is also the idea that stress is necessary.
Stress makes people wiser and stronger, leading to success.
People can learn and grow from stress experiences.
Thanks to stress, people can have courage and compassion.

When stress is strong, what should we do in terms of brain science?

The state of strong stress is that it is not interesting that it covers the inside of the head.
So it is necessary to solve that condition.
By secreting beta endorphin called pleasure hormone, stress can be alleviated.
By secretion of serotonin called happy hormone, you can get rid of irritation.

If you feel strong stress, solve with brain science

Talk to someone

Stress can be resolved by talking to someone with trouble.
Ototoxin, a hormone that exerts peaceful effect, is secreted in large quantities and relaxed by talking with the other party.
Let's consciously become a positive and happy feeling.
Let's start the conversation with positive words.
If you feel happy, there is a law that improves the performance of the brain and is easy to succeed.
By appreciating, the brain becomes very healthy and can create a healthy thought pattern.

Bite the gum

It's a good idea to chew gum if you are busy with work and your mind is disturbed by the busy nature.
People chewing gum have less secretion of cortisol, which is called stress hormone, compared to those who do not, and have high multitask processing capacity.

To take a sun

Actually, just look at the sun.
Therefore, it is effective in taking the sun in the room.
It has been found that serotonin is secreted by taking the sun.

Consciously take nutrition

Food containing zinc is a pig's lever.
Other zinc-containing foods include bovine thigh meat, swine thighs, scallops, almonds and sardines.
When stress becomes strong, vitamin B group and minerals etc. are consumed in large quantities.
So let's take these nutrients consciously.

Use visual and olfactory

Let's use the fragrance that has a relaxing effect.
The use of scents is a relaxing way to practice baseball players and soccer players.
It is famous that grapefruit scent can relax.
When you smell the smell you like, you can feel unconditionally good.
It is clarified in the brain science that to smell the scent and relax.

Utilize the blue color

From the viewpoint of brain science, it turns out that the blue relaxation effect is the highest.
Unifying the furniture of the room in blue may help reduce stress.

Hide one eye for 30 seconds

Hide the right eye for 30 seconds with your hand, and think that the left brain is now resting.
Then, after 30 seconds, I take my hand and thought that the left brain was healed, I also do this with the left eye.
This ceremony for a total of 1 minute will restart the brain.

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